Traveling with a dog Traveling with a dog

Traveling with a dog

When living with a dog, traveling together is always a special highlight. Exploring new places together, experiencing adventures and spending time that connects you even closer as a human-dog team. When traveling with a dog, however, there are also a few things to consider - from entry regulations to travel to the perfect accommodation with a dog. Therefore, we have compiled tips and the perfect vacation companions from Emmy & Pepe for you.

Where is the journey going?

There are so many beautiful places to discover with dogs. Maybe go on a hike in the mountains? Or to the beach with your four-legged friend? The choice is almost limitless. When choosing your destination, you should not only keep your own needs, but also those of your dog in mind. Most four-legged friends may have less fun on trips to crowded cities, but hiking or romping on the beach is more fun. 

If you are drawn to the north, you will find spectacular landscapes and dreamlike hikes in Norway, but for which man and dog should show a certain fitness. A little more relaxed, but no less impressive is the neighboring country Sweden. Especially practical: In Sweden, Norway and Finland, the Everyman's Right applies, which facilitates adventures in the wild. The applicable common law allows you - as long as you don't disturb anyone and don't harm nature - to pitch your tent in the middle of nature, for example.

The Nordic countries are also popular vacation destinations for traveling with a camper, as you can find many beautiful campsites and thus explore the north particularly well. Equally impressive mountain landscapes await in the south. Hiking, relaxing and enjoying nature in Austria, Switzerland or perhaps South Tyrol? There is plenty to discover here, even with a dog! 

For example, the German North Sea or Baltic Sea islands are ideal for a vacation with a dog on the beach. The Netherlands also has wide beaches. Before you book, however, you should find out about the local rules. Often there is a leash requirement on the beaches or even a ban on dogs at certain times of the day or year. Find out where there are nice dog beaches or see if you can travel outside the summer season. Often the regulations are less strict then.

Einreisebestimmungen & Besonderheiten vor Ort prüfen Einreisebestimmungen & Besonderheiten vor Ort prüfen

Einreisebestimmungen & Besonderheiten vor Ort prüfen

Check entry requirements & special features on site

Anyone planning a trip with a dog should find out about the entry requirements of the destination country in good time before departure. For entry into other EU countries, the general rule is that an EU pet passport must be available. For animals that were marked for the first time after July 3, 2011, a chip obligation applies. If the dog was marked before this date, it is also possible to enter the country with a clearly legible tattoo. In addition, the dog needs a valid rabies vaccination, a first vaccination must be at least 21 days past. 

Since some countries, for example Finland, additionally require a treatment against tapeworms before entry, one should still inquire on the Internet about country-specific characteristics. But also on site there are some things that you can consider and research before the trip. For example, you can find out in advance whether there are certain regulations on leashes or muzzles, so that you are well prepared on vacation. 

For every dog owner especially important: The health of the four-legged friend. Check whether certain vaccinations are recommended for the destination or whether you should take care of other protection. For example, if the trip is to the Mediterranean, some diseases transmitted by sandflies and ticks become relevant. These include leishmaniasis, ehrlichiosis or heartworms. A call or visit at the veterinarian is worthwhile to clarify such issues and to learn about additional vaccinations, medications or spot-ons.

Dog friendly arrival & accommodation

When traveling with a dog in your luggage, it is of course also important to think about the journey and suitable accommodation.

I claim: No dog person feels comfortable in an accommodation if their own four-legged friend is noticeably not welcome. Before you book an accommodation, you should therefore always clarify whether the dog may come along without any problems, whether there are certain regulations or whether you might have to pay a surcharge for the dog. With most booking portals - whether vacation home, vacation apartment or hotel - you can filter directly for accommodations in which dogs are allowed. In addition, it is often worthwhile to take a look at the reviews - perhaps you will find something there on the subject of dog-friendliness. 

Also the journey wants to be planned dog-friendly. Of course, the easiest way is to travel with your own car. Depending on the travel time, you should plan enough pee and walk breaks, for example, if you have to arrive on time at a ferry or similar. Have water ready for your four-legged friend for your breaks and make sure that both luggage and dog are well secured. 

If you are traveling by train, ferry or other public transport, you should find out about the regulations for dogs before departure. Your four-legged friend may need a muzzle or a transport box.

Our favorite products for traveling with dog

Travel with dog and Emmy & Pepe

With the products of Emmy & Pepe you are of course not only perfectly equipped at home, but also when traveling with your dog. No matter how you organize your vacation - active or relaxed, on the beach or in the mountains - you will find the perfect vacation companion. Here are our five favorite products for traveling with dogs:



Halsband, Leine und Schleppleine aus

Ein absolutes Must-Have für Urlaube, in denen es auch mal abenteuerlicher zugeht. Denn Biothane ist wasserabweisend, abwischbar und somit ganz leicht zu reinigen. Durch die tolle Farbauswahl und die hochwertige Verarbeitung werden die Biothane-Sets bestehend aus Halsband und Leine zum Allrounder, mit dem es auch ins nächste Restaurant oder auf einen kleinen Städtetrip gehen kann. Besonders praktisch sind auch die Biothane-Schleppleine, wenn ihr eurem Hund beispielsweise am Strand mehr Freiheit geben wollt.



Alles dabei

Mit der Wau-Travel habt ihr auch unterwegs immer ein bisschen Heimat mit dabei. Je nachdem, was euch lieber ist, könnt ihr euch für die Umhängetasche oder den Rucksack entscheiden. Wenn ihr die Wau-Travel ausbreitet, habt ihr eine flauschige Liegedecke für euren Vierbeiner. Durch die wasserfeste Unterseite ist die Wau-Travel perfekt geeignet für Pausen im Freien.

Aber die Hundedecke to go kann noch mehr. In der separaten Utensilientasche finden Schlüssel, Handy und Co. ihren Platz. Außerdem habt ihr mit der Wau-Travel immer auch eine Hundeleine parat.

Wau-Kau & Wau-Keks

Wau-Kau & Wau-Keks


Der Wau-Kau und sein kleiner Bruder, der Wau-Keks sind perfekt, um Trockenfutter, Kausnacks oder Leckerlies zu transportieren. In den Wau-Kau passen bis zu 12,5 kg, in den Wau-Keks bis zu 6 kg. Durch den komplett umlaufenden Reißverschluss wird der Hundefuttergeruch größtenteils im Futtersack gehalten, sodass euch dieser auf Reisen nicht ständig in der Nase liegt. Durch die beiden Henkel kann der Futtersack leicht getragen werden und ist damit perfekt, um das Hundefutter mit in den Urlaub zu nehmen.



Die Allzweckwaffe

Unsere Gassitasche Wau-to-go ist einfach immer praktisch, egal, ob zu Hause oder auf Reisen. In der Mehrfachtasche finden Handy, Schlüssel oder Hundeleckerlies problemlos ihren Platz. Durch die Unterteilung der Fächer können Hunde-Must-Haves und die eigenen Habseligkeiten getrennt werden. An der Rückseite der Gassitasche ist außerdem Platz für Kotbeutel, die man durch eine Öffnung ganz leicht herausziehen kann. Du kannst sie außerdem entweder mit einem Karabiner oder einer Gürtellasche befestigen, oder aber du nutzt den Tragegurt, um dir die Gassitasche umzuhängen.

3 hund in bademänteln am strand



Egal, ob Wanderung durch den Regen, Ausflug zum See oder ein schöner Strandtag: Wer schon mal einen komplett nassen Hund im Auto transportieren oder ihn in einer fremden Unterkunft davon abhalten musste, sich direkt neben der weißen Wand zu schütteln, der weiß einen Hundebademantel sicher zu schätzen. Der Wau-Dry Hundebademantel ist aus extrem saugstarken Bambusfasern gefertigt. Dadurch trocknet der Vierbeiner nicht nur deutlich schneller, auch die Umgebung ist geschützt vor nass-dreckigen Hundespuren. Dabei sieht er nicht nur stylisch aus, sondern ist auch unglaublich bequem.

We wish you a lot of fun on your next trip with your dog!