What is the wau-party?

simply cool

Become a Wau-Expert now

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The world of the Wau Effect explores the continent of product parties. Become part of EMMY & PEPE now and bring the wow effect into the world with us. Organize your event with the original wow effect. Your advantages and options

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Would you like to become a host or guest? Experience the wow effect in a private, relaxed environment, exactly the way you want.

What is the wau-party?

The Wau Party is the new idea from EMMY & PEPE, everyone knows these classic shopping parties. Our wow party is also based on this system. But normal and basic, no, that's not for us. We want to make every shopping party something special. Whether for a birthday or to spend a nice day with like-minded dog people. No matter whether as a Wau expert, host or guest.
 Be there!