100% Hand Made: If you want something done right, do it yourself!

Not only are we able to customise our work process for you, we also adapt to your needs. The various work steps and customisations are carried out in different teams. Be it the sewing team, the biothane team or the dispatch team. This type of step by step work means that our quality control is almost "on the run", meaning that the dog collars and small parts are re-examined at every step and pass through new, careful hands. What's more, our adapter team works together with a workshop for the disabled, which means that we not only want to give back an important part of our social commitment and gratitude. We also want to ensure that even our manual labour leaves something behind. At EMMY & PEPE, we not only look after you as customers and owners, we also take a genuine hands-on approach to our work and our interpersonal relationships.