What our customers say

We do everything differently for both two-legged and four-legged friends and do everything right to the best of our ability. EMMY & PEPE stands for the Wau-Effekt

This is our slogan and our claim, whether we can achieve this and what our customers say can be read here uncensored and honestly.

Wau-Bed dog bed

Wau-to-go dog-walking bag 

Dear Vicky and dear Emmy and Pepe team,

I would just like to give you some feedback on how happy I am about my Wau-to-go. I had my eye on them for a long, long time and couldn't bring myself to order them, it's not like you don't already have food pouches etc. at home...But somehow I was bothered by the fuss on the belt of my pouch and also that it doesn't go at all with normal clothes or sometimes nicer clothes. 😅Ah, what problems we have. 😂Your live events invite you to watch and shop. 😅

Let's see how long I can hold back with the woof-donut. 😬

So, as I said, thank you very much for the Wau to go. It's now my constant companion. The whistle is also on it - so I always have everything with me in the smallest of spaces.

Best wishes from the far north.