The "Wau-Effekt"

Our Wau-Effekt:
Who among us, whether male or female, has never stood in front of the mirror and thought to themselves: Today, today is going to be a good day! I look good, I've had a good night's sleep, I feel great. I can do anything today. Everyone has days when everything just goes right. That's why we at EMMY & PEPE not only wanted to make us humans feel good, but also make the same possible for dogs. The "Wau-Effekt" or "woof effect" was born. The Wau Effekt is not just a slogan. It describes much more the feeling that dogs get from our collars and accessories. They convey euphoria and pride. They ensure that our favourite furry friend not only feels well looked after, but also special and valued. Animals need feel-good days just as much as we humans do. The dog beds from EMMY & PEPE ensure just such days. The collars are not only high-quality and robust, but can also be customised. The Wau Effekt describes the feeling with which dog and owner go out the door from now on. Muzzle up, upright gait - simply WAU!