
Was muss mein Hund können?

Jeder Hundebesitzer wünscht sich schöne Fotos mit seinem vierbeinigen Freund. Erinnerungen für die Ewigkeit. Doch oft stellen sich dann folgende Fragen: 

  • Er kann keine Tricks, nicht mal ein einfaches "Sitz" 
  • Er läuft mir immer nach, "bleib" hat sich noch nie durchgesetzt 
  • Ableinen? Niemals, dann finde ich meinen Hund nie wieder! 
  • Mein Hund ist immer hippelig und kann nie still sitzen 
  • Alles ist Anlass zur Ablenkung 

Wir können doch so kein Shooting machen? 

In fact, all of these are no valid reasons that speak against a photoshoot. Even if this may sound quite contradictory now. 

The only thing your dog must be able to do is a simple thing:


The most beautiful pictures and memories are created when he is allowed to be himself and as little as possible is posed in a photo. Because this is the only way that shows his character and that should finally be captured on a picture, right?

Even with these "little problems" beautiful and unique photos are created.

hund springt hoch in die luft

If he can not keep still, why not a few action photos? There is frolicking, running and playing. Together with his favorite person or with his favorite toy... 

He is very affectionate and can not stay where he is without you? This is absolutely no problem either, resulting in beautiful cuddle photos where you can see your love and affection for each other. 

If any distraction is welcome, attention can be well gained with treats or animal sounds (for example, via an app).

And even if he can not be dismissed, that is no reason to worry. Safety always comes first! If a situation is unclear, not accessible, too close to a road or the dog can not be called off safely, then a leash offers the greatest possible safety. After all, you don't want anything to happen to you or your friend. The leash will not interfere with the final result, there are editing programs for that. Even I, as a photographer, do not always unleash my dog. 

And that a picture can look good despite the leash, you can see here in comparison:

Important for a dog shooting is:

Patience, your own inner peace and, above all, fun. 

You do not have to see a shooting as such, why not see it as a small adventure tour or voyage of discovery that is captured on film? This creates a feel-good atmosphere for you and your dog. 

Thus, the answer to the question: What must my dog be able to do? Nothing. He should only be exactly one thing, himself.

So you can capture its uniqueness and character. 

Love your Sophie
