Maulkorb beim Hund Maulkorb beim Hund

Maulkorb beim Hund

Autorin: Julia Radmer, Juni 2022

The dog muzzle is associated with many prejudices. But not every dog that wears a muzzle is also dangerous. Sometimes and in some places it is even mandatory that the dog wears a muzzle.

When must a dog be muzzled?

  • Officially, dogs that cannot be transported in a box on Deutsche Bahn trains are supposed to wear a muzzle.
  • In some vacation areas, e.g. on gondola or train rides in Austria, muzzling is compulsory. 
  • In some federal states, muzzling is mandatory for certain breeds. 
  • If the dog is considered dangerous, for example because of a biting incident, the dog will be muzzled.

So you see, there are some situations where a dog is obligated to wear a muzzle. Therefore, it should be trained early on, so the dog is not stressed when suddenly having to wear a muzzle.

Wann ist es sinnvoll, dass der Hund einen Maulkorb trägt?

Wenn der Hund unsicher oder ängstlich ist und ihr euch in einer stressigen Situation befindet, wo auch viele Menschen sind, beispielsweise eine Busfahrt oder ein Straßenfest (→ Gefahr, dass der Hund schnappt). Beim Tierarzt oder bei der Physiotherapie; wenn der Hund Schmerzen oder Angst hat und gegebenenfalls um sich beißen könnte. Vorbeugung, wenn der Hund nicht gut mit anderen Hunden verträglich ist und man kein Risiko eingehen will. Als Schutz gegen Giftköder.

What is the right muzzle?

Finding the right muzzle for your own dog is not as easy as it seems, since there are a number of different muzzle models.

So good consulting is key. It is advisable to go to a dealer who is well versed in this and also has several types of muzzles there. The pet store chains usually do not consult very well, because unfortunately there is rarely expertise.

  • Metal: Bite resistant, lightweight, customizable and usually wears very well. 
  • Plastic: bite-proof up to a point, but not with the right intent to injure! Lightweight, poorly adjustable, is usually worn very well if it fits. However, with plastic muzzles you do not have the choice as with metal muzzles.
  • Biothane/leather: not bite-proof, heavy, adjustable, is predominantly not worn as well (because of the weight) as a metal or plastic muzzles. Serves only as an alibi muzzle.