How to put it in the poop bag?

Dog diarrhea

The texture of a dog's poop can sometimes look very different. Depending on breed, age and feeding technique, animals are easily susceptible to changes in fecal consistency. For us dog owners, it can be very unpleasant when the feces is difficult to pick up. But it is not pathological every time.

The shape and amount of dog poop is a very good indicator of the digestibility of the food.

Often it is feeding errors such as abrupt food changes or new treats that negatively affect the dog's feces for a short time. However, if your dog regularly has a soft fecal consistency, then this is a sign that something does not fit optimally in the feeding.

Ab wann ist es Durchfall?

Ab wann ist es Durchfall?

Richtiger Durchfall ist es, wenn dein Hund den Kot nicht halten kann, häufiger Kot absetzen muss und die Konsistenz sehr dünn bis wässrig wird. Da Durchfall aber nur ein Symptom in Folge einer anderen Erkrankung ist, sollte der Auslöser gefunden werden.
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First aid

for diarrhea or soft feces

Depending on the severity, your dog should be given smaller meals and possibly even a fasting day with "Morsch carrot soup". However, a water intake is mandatory. Fennel tea can also provide fluid and soothe the intestines.
Feed must be high quality and easily digestible to calm digestion. Therefore, do not feed chews and treats until things settle down. Switching to cooked rations is one option.
Please note: for "chicken with rice and carrot" be sure to cook the rice like a very mushy rice pudding, that the starch is cooked out and does not irritate the intestines on top.

hundefutter grafik ernährungsberatung

Change of feed

It is important that a gentle diet should be maintained for at least 7 days, and only after improvement slowly return to the old way of feeding. An abrupt change to the old feed could bring unrest in the gastrointestinal tract back.

If the animal shows bloody diarrhea, massive watery excretions and / or vomiting, then please consult a veterinarian promptly, so that severe dehydration and an imbalance in electrolytes does not occur!



Wichtig ist, dass die Schonkost über mindestens 7 Tage beibehalten werden sollte, und erst nach der Besserung langsam in die alte Fütterungsart zurückgekehrt wird. Eine abrupte Umstellung auf die alten Futtermittel, könnte erneut Unruhe in den Magen-Darm-Trakt bringen. 

Sollte das Tier blutigen Durchfall, massive wässrige Ausscheidungen und/ oder Erbrechen zeigen, dann sucht bitte zeitnah einen Tierarzt auf, dass es nicht zu starker Dehydration und einem Ungleichgewicht im Elektrolyte-Haushalt kommt!

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After every disease of the digestive tract, after antibiotic administration or strong changes in the feeding method (e.g. ready-made food to BARF), an intestinal rehabilitation with probiotics is very useful. The intestinal rehabilitation should actively help your dog for at least 4-8 weeks so that the intestinal flora is strengthened or regenerated. Also our dogs can get an imbalance of the intestinal bacteria and thus show an insufficient digestion or little appetite.

As a dog owner, you should question the cause of the diarrhea. Was there a rapid change of food, new treats or increased treat licks? These would be causes that easily affect fecal consistency and bring about a quick improvement. However, if your dog has permanent soft feces, then causes such as an intolerance, food allergy, intestinal disease, pancreatic problems or parasites are a possibility. In this case, it is beneficial to keep a food diary. The dog should be diagnosed at the veterinarian. In parallel, a nutritional consultation can start with the feed history and cause identification.

I wish for your dogs solid piles of feces and a good collection. I would be very happy to send you a free food diary or recipes for a gentle diet. Send me an e-mail for this purpose. Yours truly, Maxi from Maxima Cura